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Sports teams for homeschooled athletes in Central Virginia!

Richmond Spirit Warhawks

Richmond Spirit Warhawks By-Laws (Full Version)

Mission Statement:
The Richmond Spirit Warhawks are a non-profit Christian organization that exists to glorify Jesus Christ through serving homeschool families in the Central Virginia community by providing physical exercise and competition in a multitude of athletic arenas. We believe that athletic competition allows a unique avenue through which participants, parents, and coaches can exemplify Christ-like character. In victory, we will personify Jesus’ ministry of mercy and compassion. In defeat, we are presented with the opportunity to demonstrate humility, patience, and self-control. Only that at all times, and in every circumstance, it is our desire to demonstrate the character of Jesus Christ and to promote His Gospel of Reconciliation to the Richmond community and state of Virginia at-large.

Warhawks Priorities:
1. The Gospel
2. Integrity
3. Coaching for the Kingdom
4. Compete at a high level
5. Discipleship (Coach to players, and players to players)
6. Submission to authority
7. Skill development
8. Learning through wins and losses
9. Developing future ownership of organization

Richmond Spirit Warhawks provides home-educated students the opportunity to participate in organized interscholastic sports with other schools and homeschool organizations in the state of Virginia. We currently offer basketball, soccer and volleyball for middle and high school students.

We are members of the Capital City Athletic Conference and Virginia Homeschool League.


SECTION I. Player Eligibility

Richmond Spirit Warhawks was created to give athletic opportunities to homeschooled students. Non-homeschooled students who do not have access to a school team will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Student athletes are only eligible to play if they have a Notice of Intent to homeschool (NOI) on file with their county school board for the current academic year, they have not been granted a GED or diploma and they have not walked in a graduation ceremony.

Age restrictions are as follows, based on VHSAA guidelines:

If the player is 14 or younger on June 1 of the athletic school year, they are eligible to play 14U (Middle School)
If the player is 17 or younger on June 1 of the athletic school year, they are eligible to play 17U (Junior Varsity)
If the player is 18 or younger on August 1 (prior to the start of the athletic school year) they are eligible to play 18U (Varsity)
*Per the VHSAA, the athletic school year starts in the fall and ends at the conclusion of spring sports*

Athletes will be required to play on the teams that correspond with their God-given gender assigned at birth.

We will follow the eligibility guidelines as established by both the CCAC (Capital City Athletic Conference) and VHSAA (Virginia Home School Athletic Association).  Any and all exceptions to the established eligibility guidelines will be presented to the CCAC and VHSAA by the Athletic Director for their ruling.

In order to participate, each student athlete must sign a code of conduct and acknowledge receipt of the Richmond Spirit Warhawks mission/vision statement and statement of faith. All registration/participation fees must be paid before the first game of the season.

We maintain the right to require documentation from any or all of our athletes to ensure these eligibility requirements as stated.

Release Waivers: If a student athlete has participated in one sports season with Richmond Spirit Warhawks but decides that they want to play with a different organization moving forward, a release waiver from Richmond Spirit Warhawks must be obtained. 

Richmond Spirit Warhawks will adhere to VHSAA guidelines for granting release waivers to families desiring to switch to a different organization for one or all sports:

Transfers between Organizations during the school year
Players may only play for ONE Homeschool organization during a school year for VHSAA Sanctioned Sports (Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Cross Counry).  The only exceptions to this rule would be:

1.  A player who plays multiple sports and the original organization they play for does not have the one of the additional sports that the player participates in.  For example, if a player plays basketball in the winter with one organization, but in the spring, they play soccer and their original organization does not have that sport, they are free to join another VHSAA organization that does have soccer in the spring.

2.  If a player has played a sport for one organization and for their second sport, they are cut during the tryout process.  That player is then free to join a new organization to play that second sport.

All players should be encouraged to avoid this situation by playing for an organization that has all the sports that they would like to play.

Transfers between Organizations between school years
Players should be encouraged to remain with the organization they played with the previous school year.  In order to change organizations one of the following conditions would need to be met:

1.      The player and their family relocate their residence at least 25 miles from their previous residence in the last year.

2.      The player receives a release waiver from their previous organization.  The player and the organization should discuss the reason for wanting to join a new organization and attempt to come to an agreement.  If the player and organization cannot come to an agreement, the player may request a waiver transfer through the VHSAA Board of Directors with both the player and organization providing supporting information for allowing or disallowing the transfer request.  If the VHSAA Board of Directors approves the request, the request for transfer will be forwarded on to the entire VHSAA membership for final approval.  The AD for each VHSAA member will have one week to vote on the request once it has been sent out from the board.  A non-response by an organization will be assumed to be a vote to approve the waiver request.

Any player who attempts to transfer to a new organization without meeting one of the above criteria will be ineligible to play for their new VHSAA organization for the entire school year. If the organization circumvents this rule by playing the player in non VHSAA events, they will be subject to penalties in VHSAA events, including potentially losing the right to participate in VHSAA tournaments and also losing voting privileges for that season.

Warhawks clarification on waiver release:
If a player participates with us for only one season but during that season, realizes that their home is located closer to another organization, or their family moves at least 25 miles away from their previous residence between seasons, we will grant a release waiver.

If a player has participated in more than one season with the Warhawks and their family has not moved from their previous residence, the parent and players MUST have a conversation with their coach or the athletic director about the desire to move to a different organization. If they cannot reach an agreement, the waiver request will automatically go to the VHSAA Board of Directors for a vote.

Please be advised that “my child wants to play with their friends at a different organization” is NOT a valid reason for a waiver request to be granted.

SECTION 2. Coach Eligibility
All coaches are volunteers. No coach will be paid by Richmond Spirit Athletics. In order to participate, each coach must sign a code of conduct and acknowledge receipt of the Warhawks mission/vision statement and statement of faith. All coaches will be approved by the individual sport’s subcommittees.

All coaches must consent to a background check. Any findings of concern will be voted on by the Executive Board.

SECTION 3. Code of Conduct
As players, coaches and parents, we will strive to observe the following ideals of sportsmanship:

-We will treat the officials, opposing teams and spectators as guests at our home games.

-We will respect all property at all times

-We will refrain from detrimental or derogatory remarks during any part of the game.

-We will not at any time boo or taunt opposing players or officials.

- We will not at any time use foul, inappropriate language, or obscene gestures on the court or field.

 All players/parents and coaches will review and acknowledge the code of conduct prior to the start of the sports season.

SECTION 4. Disciplinary Actions:
Athletes and coaches may and will be disciplined for the following:

-Failure to fulfill team commitments

-Flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct

-Ejections, technical fouls, red cards

-Valid complaints from opposing team

We will treat foul language and obscene gestures the same as ejections, technical fouls and red cards.  All must be reported to the athletic director and board for that individual sport.  The following steps will be taken:

           -For the first offense, the coach will have a conversation with the team and/or individual players   and families.
-For the 2nd offense the player or coach will be required to sit out the remainder of that game and the next complete game.

If a player or coach is ejected from a game – they are required to not only sit out the remainder of that game, they must also sit out the next two (2) games or matches.

When a complaint is made against a coach/player, the first step is for the coach/player and athletic director to discuss a resolution. If a resolution cannot be agreed upon, the coach/player will meet with the Executive Board for a resolution. In the event of repeated complaints against a coach/player, and failed attempts at a resolution, the Executive Board reserves the right to remove the coach/player at any time.


SECTION 1. Powers
The property, business, and affairs of the Richmond Spirit Warhawks shall be governed and managed by the Executive Board (Board).  All corporate powers shall be exercised by and under the authority of the Board.  The Board shall keep minutes of each of its proceedings and a full account of all of its transactions.

SECTION 2. Members of the Board
The Board will be comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and it is recommended at least one member-at-large representing each sport offered by Richmond Spirit Warhawks. The athletic directors from each sport are required to sit on the Board and are eligible to hold board positions such as President, Secretary and Treasurer. 

The Executive Board is strongly encouraged to have 7 members:
(3) Athletic Directors (one from each sport)
(4) Parents/Coaches that evenly represent each sport as much as possible.
It is always advised to have an odd number of board members for voting reasons.

Executive Board Member Eligibility: 
In order to serve on the Richmond Spirit Warhawks Executive Board, your children must play sports with our organization or you must be involved in our sports as a coach or another administrative role on a team. If you have a child who plays basketball, soccer or volleyball with another organization, you are not eligible to serve on our board, since those are also sports that we offer and it could present a conflict of interest. If you have a child who plays a sport with another organization because we do not offer that sport, you are eligible to serve on the board as long as you are not also serving on a committee or board for the other organization and you have children who still play sports with us.

New Board members must be voted on by current Board members. Upon resignation of a Board position, a 30 day notice is requested. In the event that the Board President resigns, vacates, is removed for just cause or is no longer able to perform the duties of that office, a new Interim President will be voted on among current Board members as soon as possible. Interim President will serve until a new President is elected by the Board.

SECTION 3. Board President
The President, subject to the control of the Board, shall have general charge and supervision of the organization’s business and affairs.  The President shall have authority to sign and execute, in the name and on behalf of the organization, all authorized contracts, agreements or other instruments.  The President shall serve as spokesperson for the Richmond Spirit Warhawks and can be the organization’s nominee to serve as the organization’s representative with other athletic councils and conferences. 

In general, the President shall perform all the duties ordinarily incident to the office of chief executive officer of an organization, and such other duties as, from time to time, may be assigned by the Board.

SECTION 4. Board Vice-President
The Vice President of the Board is prepared at all times to assume the role of Board President, if necessary. The Vice President, whose knowledge and commitment mirrors that of the President, may serve in the President’s place for board activities and in the spokesperson capacity.

The President may delegate special assignments to the Vice President.

SECTION 5. Board Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have charge of and be responsible for all funds, securities, receipts and disbursements of the Richmond Spirit Warhawks Executive Board, and shall deposit or cause to be deposited, in the name and on behalf of the organization, all moneys or other valuable effects in such banks, trust companies, or depositories as may be designated by the Board.  The Treasurer shall maintain full and accurate accounts of all assets, liabilities, and transactions of the Executive Board, and shall render to the Board at regular meetings or otherwise as requested, an account of all financial transactions of the organization.  In general, the Treasurer shall perform all the duties ordinarily incident to the office of a treasurer of an organization, and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board or Board President. Specifically, the Board treasurer will pay VHSAA and any other conference membership dues, insurance and taxes, and will pay to each sport the registration fees accounted to them.

SECTION 6. Board Secretary
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board, including all the votes taken at such meetings, and record them provided for that purpose.  The Secretary shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws or as required by statute. 

In general, the Secretary shall perform all duties ordinarily incident to the office of a secretary of an organization, and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board or Board President.

SECTION 7. Athletic Directors
The Athletic Director shall be the chief administrator of the sport to which they are assigned (basketball, soccer or volleyball).  The duties of the Athletic Director include enforcement of the rules, procedures, and regulations necessary to operate within the league or conference that each sport participates in.  The Athletic Director is responsible for coordinating all scheduling of schools, gyms, and referees for their sport.  The Athletic Director shall be authorized to submit modifications to the rules, procedures, and regulations for operation as necessary.  

In general, the Athletic Director shall perform all the duties ordinarily incident to the office of a chief operating officer of an organization, and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the Board, or Board President.

SECTION 8. Members at Large
The Member-At-Large shall perform such duties as may be directed by the Board President. A Member-At-Large shall perform the duties of the Secretary in the absence of the Secretary at a Board Meeting.

SECTION 9. Remove and Vacancies
Any member of the Board may be removed, with or without cause, by a vote of a majority of the entire Board.  A vacancy in any office or position on the Board because of removal, resignation, death, or any other cause shall be filled at any regular or special Board meeting. Upon resignation of a Board position, a 30 day notice is requested. In the event that the Board President resigns, vacates, is removed for just cause or is no longer able to perform the duties of that office, a new Interim President will be voted on among current Board members as soon as possible. Interim President will serve until a new President is elected by the Board.

If a board member misses 50% of the regularly scheduled meetings, a discussion will be opened about removal of that board member.

The Board shall keep and maintain all books, accounts, and records, including the original or a certified copy of these By-Laws and the minutes of all meetings. Requests for records from parents, players or coaches should be fulfilled as soon as possible.

These By-Laws may be amended from time to time by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Board Members then in office. The Board shall consider annually whether amendments to these By-Laws are necessary or desirable.


SECTION 1. Committees
Each sport is required to create a committee of parent volunteers to handle sport-specific business such as fundraising, banquets and game-day preparation (gym set up, announcements, scorekeeping, etc.) Each committee will report to the Athletic Director as necessary. Each committee must have its own treasurer that will handle the finances that are sport specific (uniform fees, official fees, facility rentals, etc.). Committees are also encouraged to nominate other officer positions as needed.

Committee Member Eligibility: 
In order to serve on a Richmond Spirit Warhawks committee, your children must play sports with our organization or you must be involved in our sports as a coach or another administrative role on a team. If you have a child who plays basketball, soccer or volleyball with another organization, you are not eligible to serve on a committee, since those are also sports that we offer and it could present a conflict of interest. If you have a child who plays a sport with another organization because we do not offer that sport, you are eligible to serve on a Warhawks committee as long as you are not also serving on a committee or board for the other organization and you have children who still play sports with us.

SECTION 2. Fundraising
Fundraising will be limited to the sole purpose of offsetting costs to parents. All fundraising efforts need Board approval before implementation.

SECTION 3. Prayer
As stated in the Statement of Faith and these bylaws, The Richmond Spirit Warhawks are a Christian organization that exists to glorify Jesus Christ. Prayer is encouraged before and/or after games, meets and practices. Coaches are encouraged to initiate prayer. No player will ever be forced to participate in team prayer, which is completely voluntary.

(Updated August 2023)

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Richmond Spirit Warhawks

PO Box 293 
Doswell, Virginia 23047

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 804-690-1563
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