All players within our organization will be required to adhere to the following Player Code of Conduct:RICHMOND SPIRIT WARHAWKS PLAYER CODE OF CONDUCT
As a participant of any Richmond Spirit Warhawks team, I do hereby agree to abide by the following rules and regulations:
1. I acknowledge that this is a Home School/Christian School team and that my actions and conduct will exemplify this fact.
2. Encouraging one another and supporting the team will be required as a building block for team unity.
3. My language at all times will be clean, edifying, and acceptable. I understand as a participant that substitute words resembling foul language are unacceptable.
4. I will fully respect the Team Manager, Coach, and Referees, and accept their judgment calls. Any behavior to the contrary (such as rolling eyes, walking off when addressed, arguing versus dis- cussing or refusing to participate) will invoke disciplinary action and could lead to dismissal. Repetitive technical fouls/ yellow cards/red cards will be reviewed by the Spirit Warhawks Executive Board and may result in suspension or dismissal from the team.
5. I understand that I am not playing on a recreation league but, on a highly competitive high school or middle school team. This means that I know I am competing for our team and my position on it.
6. I agree to be committed to all practices and games, except in extenuating circumstances previ- ously excused by notifying the coach in advance. I understand that by missing practices it can affect my playtime.
7. Before, during, and after events, if left by parents on the premises, I agree to be responsible for my actions and not cause any damage. If any damages are caused by me, I will be directly respon- sible for it and reimburse the loss. I also agree not to leave the premises until picked up by a family member or designated driver.
8. I agree to be coachable and open to and not resistant to instruction and direction.
9. I agree to have fun, develop relationships, and mature into a person and player that pleases the Lord.
10. Failure to abide by this code and any infractions of it, could affect our reputation, honor, respect, and witness, and will be dealt with immediately, which could result in the loss of any or all of the follow- ing: loss of leadership role, game time, or position.
Repetitive offenses may result in suspension and/or dismissal, depending on the nature of the sit- uation.
Of my coach, I understand I can expect his/her support and respect. I know that they will be committed to my development as a team player, implementing leadership that will help mold me into a successful athlete.
The Richmond Spirit Athletics teams are competitive middle and high school teams. We are not a recre- ational or home school “club.” While we strive first & foremost to honor Jesus Christ with our conduct on and off the field, the Spirit organization desires to provide our players with the same experiences and op- portunities enjoyed by area public and private schools in regard to quality competition, tournament play, and a pathway to NCAA/professional Athletics. This means coaches will be fielding what they believe to be the best combination of players possible in order to develop players and win games. Equal playing time is not guaranteed at this level, or any higher level, of competitive Athletics.
We, as coaches, feel this is biblical. The Scriptures say that “whether we eat or drink or whatever you do, do it as to the Lord.” As long as good sportsmanship is observed, striving to win in a competitive sport is not somehow unfair to others, nor “un-Christian.” Just ask Dwight Howard, David Robinson, Chris Paul, Derek Fisher, or any other Christian Athletes. In fact, a correct understanding of the nature of competitive athletics can strengthen players’/parents’ walk with Christ, since:
It teaches other-centeredness & what’s best for the team instead of self-centeredness.
It prepares young people for the realities of life. Competition is part of life, and not everyone gets to be 1st. We must learn humility & grace.
It saves players/parents from spiraling down into “backbiting & gossip” which the Bible forbids among believers.
Players who are not satisfied with playing time, position, etc., should ask a coach directly what they can do in order to achieve goals. This aids them in dealing directly with authority figures outside the home. It is incumbent on all coaches to provide specific instruction so that players may fulfill their potential. Par- ents are encouraged to cheer their sons and daughters on and support the team, but should not, under any circumstances, petition coaches for playing time, positions, or other special consideration.
The following is an excerpt from the Richmond Spirit Warhawks Bylaws adopted in July 2018 and updat- ed in February 2022. This information appears under Article I: Membership:
SECTION 3. Code of Conduct
As players, coaches and parents, we will strive to observe the following ideals of sportsmanship: -We will treat the officials, opposing teams and spectators as guests at our home games.
-We will respect all property at all times
-We will refrain from detrimental or derogatory remarks during any part of the game.
-We will not at any time boo or taunt opposing players or officials.
- We will not at any time use foul, inappropriate language, or obscene gestures on the court or field.
All players/parents and coaches will review and acknowledge the code of conduct prior to the start of the sports season.
SECTION 4. Disciplinary Actions:
Athletes and coaches may and will be disciplined for the following: -Failure to fulfill team commitments
-Flagrant unsportsmanlike conduct
-Ejections, technical fouls, red cards
-Valid complaints from opposing team
We will treat foul language and obscene gestures the same as ejections, technical fouls and red cards. All must be reported to the athletic director and board for that individual sport. The following steps will be taken:
-For the first offense, the coach will have a conversation with the team and/or individual players and families.
-For the 2nd offense the player or coach will be required to sit out the remainder of that game and the next complete game.
If a player or coach is ejected from a game – they are required to not only sit out the remainder of that game, they must also sit out the next two (2) games or matches.
When a complaint is made against a coach/player, the first step is for the coach/player and athletic direc- tor to discuss a resolution. If a resolution cannot be agreed upon, the coach/player will meet with the Ex- ecutive Board for a resolution. In the event of repeated complaints against a coach/player, and failed at- tempts at a resolution, the Executive Board reserves the right to remove the coach/player at any time.
Parents will also be held to the same code of conduct outlined in this agreement. Parents teach their chil- dren by example. Foul language and unsportsmanlike conduct from the stands or sidelines will not be tolerated. Parents must also acknowledge receipt of this code of conduct during registration.